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Swan Samba at Curbridge Autumnfest 2021
Swan Samba at Curbridge Autumnfest 2021

Swan Samba perform live gigs at venues in Hampshire and along the south coast. Contact us if you are interested in booking the band for your event.

Here’s a what we did in 2019-2021

2019Jun16thParty in the Park
Jul5thDroxford Primary
6thHedge End Carnival
7thWinchester Hat Fair
21stRomsey Carnival
Aug25thSam Fest at Bishops Waltham Palace Ruin
Sep7thGin Fest Bishops Waltham
Nov29thSwammore Community Christmas Market
2020There were no performances in 2020 due to Covid
2021Jul4thWinchester Hat Fair
Aug8thWickham Festival
15thThe Big Tea – Bishops Waltham
Sep25thSt Peter’s Country Fair – Bishops Waltham
Oct16thCurdridge Autumnfest
Nov 18thChildren in Need Damson Hill (Closed gig for BBC South Today)
27thRomsey Lantern Parade
Dec 2ndBishops Waltham Christmas Market
5thWinchester Cathedral Christmas Market

You can see highlights from the gigs in the 2021 gallery.

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